Paul Ryan for VP? AWESOME. I think he's great politically, but also he's hot.
My fam is coming today to start ANDFAM REUNION 2012!!!! It's Avengers themed, and therefore awesome.
Now that we're going to be in our condo for a couple more years at least, we're trying to make it a place we can be proud of. Cue FURNITURE SHOPPING! And decluttering. Oh, the decluttering. Over the weekend I got rid of at least 1/4 of my books because our bookcases were just getting out of control. It was amazingly hard to do though--turns out I love most of them. Getting rid of 1/4 of my wardrobe was much easier.
Ruby is hysterical and brilliant. She can identify almost every letter in the alphabet, and I loooove when she sings the ABCs. Her vocabulary has exploded and we have fun chats. She is obsessed with her Yo Gabba Gabba nap mat, Facetime, and apple juice. The girl's got sass.
I think it's nice that the Discovery Channel starts Shark Week on the closing day of the Olympics. They're really looking out for us.
I continue to obsess about The Dark Knight Returns. I want to see it again. Bane + me = BFF.