Sunday, June 17, 2012

Scottish Games

The Scottish Games are a HUGE deal in mi familia.  I've been unlucky enough that I haven't been for the last several years, because I'm always in Utah for the Pleasanton games, which is the one we go to every year.  BUT.  Now, Aunt Patrice is one of the higher ups in our clain organization (Clan Rose! What up!) so she is going all over the country hosting a clan tent.  Dad and Katy have gone to several, including Atlanta and New Mexico.  SO, this year, for the first time ever, Clan Rose was represented at the Highland Games at Thanksgiving Point!  I finally got to go and see a ton of family.

Lucy got her face painted and Ruby consented to having a Scottish flag painted on her hand.  We watched some sweet Highland dancing, some of the cool sporting events (caber toss etc.), we mentally spat at the Campbell tent (they sold out to the filthy Brits), thought about all the awesome stuff we COULD buy but are too poor for, and withstood the insane wind.  Grandma Joyce almost blew away!  Lucy particularly loved the BRAVE merch--we can't wait to see that movie! And I finally got a Clan Rose shirt--I outgrew my old one like 10 years ago.


Christy said...

Thanks for posting about this AND for taking all the pics. Would you please email all of those for me? I love the ones you got of Lucy! That was a super fun day.

Unknown said...

Becca, It was so great having you & fam there - I loved it!! And thanks for the photos. I'll be using some of them in the next CRSA newsletter.
