Sunday, June 14, 2015

June!!!! part 1

June has been a month of yard work. We put up shutters and ARE PUTTING IN A PATIO.  We also just keep going to the splash pad--this year even Jane loves it!

It was Springville Art City Days and we loved going to the carnival and Fun a Rama.  I even won free tickets to Fun a Rama!  We love going every year.  Even with all the rides, yummy food, and face/hair decorating, Ruby's favorite part is always the magician show.

It was also the Scottish Games at Thanksgiving Point.  Grandma came to man the Clan Rose booth so we went and had a super good time! I love the music and athletic events.  We had to wait forever to walk in the parade of the clans, but it was worth it to see Merida and Boba Fett.

Monday, June 8, 2015


We celebrated Star Wars Day by watching it alllll day long.  Have I mentioned how into Star Wars the girls are? OBSESSED. If we're not watching the movies, we're watching Lego Star Wars or Clone Wars.

Jane has gotten super into stickers.  They often go straight to her nose.

I knew Ruby was sick when she fell asleep on me in Sacrament meeting.

The Payson Temple open house was so incredible. I loved that the girls got to go see how beautiful it is inside.

The amazing Springville splash pad finally opened in May.  Loooove it.

I spent some time with my friend Katy making this gorgeous, amazing, beautiful house number sign for her house.  I want one for myself.

Ruby's preschool carnival was super fun. The game I brought was a donut-eating contest.  EVERYONE loves donut eating contests.

Creepy pic of Ruby.

 We've inherited Grandma Kay's awesome rooster :)

We planted a tree! It was shipped to us bare-root, which freaked us out at first. It was basically a twig.  BUT it has leaves now!

Ruby got to wield the blow dryer for the first time :)

Preschool graduation!  Ruby has LOVED preschool with Mrs. Kristie.  There are cuter pictures that Celia is going to send me :)

Don't worry, this was just from the front of our house to our garage, haha.

Man, that barbecue chicken braid was delicious enough that we took a picture of it.  Kyle's favorite!

ONE LAST FLIGHT TO CALIFORNIA. Man alive.  This time, we went so that I could watch Christy's girls while she and Danny spent the week in Hawaii!

From the second we got off the plane, Joyce and Jane were besties.

 Soon after we got home, Ruby got a cute summer haircut!! I am in love with it. Now she doesn't cry every day while I comb her hair.

Still no cavities for this girl. She definitely did not inherit my teeth.

Mom and dad gave Jane a water table as an early birthday present. We play with it every single day.