Monday, May 21, 2007

monday=no work=good!

Today was a good day. That hasn't been true in a long time. It was especially good in contrast to what a terrible day yesterday was. Yesterday only ended okay because of Cameron, and today was only good because of Cameron. I'm so lucky to have him--even if it's only for another two weeks.

Now that I'm for sure staying at home for the rest of the summer (sad depressing heartbreaking disappointing), I realize that I have to be happy here. In the last year, I've learned that I'm severely lacking the skill that enables people to make themselves be happy. They talk themselves into it. They can be happy based on mindset and attitude alone. I want to be like that. I know that it's something I have to learn how to do, and I guess now I really will. I'll try, at least. But that doesn't mean I can't try to find outside influences to help me out. I guess I have to rule out sex, drugs, and alcohol. Dang it. That would've been easy. But I could go to the singles ward, reconnect with some people I've forgotten about, and I really need to find something to occupy me at home other than books. Well, maybe that last one isn't true. But once my eyes start to bleed because I read so much, maybe I'll take up a hobby.

When Biz made that mix cd for Katy's trip to Spain, I bet she didn't think that it would eventually sing my soul. But it does. And quite often, too--it's the only thing I listen to these days.

Also, what gives?? The 24 finale left me unsatisfied. And frustrated. And depressed.

Also, Katy knows I have a blog. I'm humiliated. Above all things, I wanted this to be a secret from her. I want the respect of my little sister. But SOMEONE sold me out even though she swore on the life of her unborn child. Christy, you owe me big time for this betrayal. Now that you have a ununborn child--(a born child?)--you better watch yo'self.

1 comment:

TheMoncurs said...

Ya I'm kind of considering starting myself an anonymous blog and not telling anyone about it because there are just some things you want to blog about but would prefer people in your every day life didn't know about (my in-laws read my blog..I can't even count the number of things I've started to write then thought, "umm..Aaron's mom reads this." and then deleted).

Also, I totally understand lacking the ability to make oneself happy. I feel for you.