Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Aight. Kayla used her blogger power to declare that I have to write 8 facts about myself, and my instinct told me to say HECK NO but then at the same time I found out she's PREGNANT!!!! Whoa man, congratulations. Little mini-Kaylas running around=a good thing. I can't really say no to a newly pregnant woman, so here goes.

1. I really like hygiene. I use it a lot. This summer, I usually take a shower in the morning before work, and a bath later on in the evening. There have been days where I took two showers or two baths. I'm not saying that's right, but it's just who I am right now. I wouldn't take a bath in filthy Park Place tubs though, so that habit's gotta be kicked.

2. I'm getting less concerned about looking good all the time. That's awkward to say. I'm just getting less vain, I think. It's mostly apparent when I make weird faces at cameras--I used to be too worried about looking ugly to do that. Sad, huh. I think this is a healthy thing. Also, I'm now okay with wearing sweatpants, and being in public with no makeup. I think I'm growing up!

3. I'm not good at many things, but I've identified at least 2: actor names and spelling. That's going to take me far.

4. Shopping at Williams-Sonoma makes me want to get married.

5. Most people already know this--I love drinking. All kinds of drinks. Favorites--lime-related drinks, cran-related drinks, chocolate milk, Sprite, Sunkist orange soda, and Dr. Pepper. I just need to like drinking water more.

6. I'm scared I'll have really really heinously ugly kids. Lucy is so dang gorgeous, I don't want my kids to be jealous of their cousin! I'll still love them though.

7. I'm a snob when it comes to literature, food brands, and states. That's not toooo bad though. Oh and movies and sometimes music. I'm a huge jerk.

8. I'm a gossip-monger! I didn't really know that until recently. I felt really bad in RS this week. It's not because I want to spread discontent and hatred. I just can't help but talk about interesting things that I hear about.

1 comment:

TheMoncurs said...

Haha I love how you can't say no to the newly pregnant woman. I use that on Aaron all the time. "Go get me ice cream..you KNOW you can't say no to me."

I'm totally with you on number 6. My sister and her husband are kind of ridiculously good looking and Jared (he's 16 now) is shaping up to be pretty hot. Aaron and I are kind of...middle of the road, I'd say. What if our kids are the plain Jane cousins?? I'll feel bad about the genes I've passed on!