Saturday, July 14, 2007

NO MORE WORK no more work no more work no more work!!!!! At least for a couple weeks.

I've been thinking about how old people acquire weird habits and do weird things and are just WEIRD. What weird things am I going to do? There's a lady at work who is both a food hoarder and a germophobe. That's an uneasy alliance of eccentricities, I tell you what. She has old nasty food everywhere, but it's all covered with kleenex to protect it. And I get to clean it up.

Ok ok, I will eat a banana sometime. Ok Kyle? Happy? You better be there to witness it--that event will not be repeated. Unless--whoa--what if it turns out that I LIKE bananas? I hope that's not true. I don't want to have to realign my identity and unique worldview.

Tomorrow I'm leaving California, that shouldn't make me so happy, but it does. Sorry California, I really do love you...just not right now.

I'm going to the Grand Canyon (again--second time in one season--overkill? NO. I think this time will be better--Lucy will be there!) and doing fun things for some days, then I'm going to Orderville to do the coolest hike ever, and I get to see Nieman and Seth again, EXCITING, then I'm going to Provo to reunite with my loved ones! I couldn't be more excited to go back to Park Place and all that it stands for. I have so much to look forward to!

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