Friday, October 12, 2007

Oct. 12 is almost Oct. 13th!

I cannot WAIT until tomorrow. Tonight is a homework night for Kyle and me, so we don't have to ruin our celebratory weekend with studying and writing papers. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! I think I'll make some chex muddy buddies to make our friday night more exciting. We'll probably take tons of pictures tomorrow that I can put up (for Christy!)

School continues. I wish it wouldn't. It'd be so cool if it was Nov. 20th right now, but Oct. 12th is pretty good too. I feel GREAT about Eng. 291 because of that one successful paper, I'm liking Spanish now and don't feel like a disaster, my Anthropology class (Kayla--it's "Shamanism, Magic, and Religion in China, Japan, and India") is mostly interesting and really low-maintenance, and Physical Science....well it's killing me, but oh well. I think tonight I will memorize 7 chapters of it.

Everyone around me is getting engaged. It's exciting. I think it'll be fun to be in on the planning of a wedding, other than Christy's. I'm learning tons.

Well, I'ma go find Kyle and go home. I'm done with campus for the day.


Christy said...

Woo hoo! Now it is October 13!! Happy Birthday Mulder/Chris!! Hope you have fun birthday activities. Love you! ( Oh and happy almost-22nd-birthday)

Anonymous said...

So who is getting engaged? Anyone I would know?