Thursday, November 29, 2007

I never said what I'm thankful for!

Is it too late? I totally forgot. During Thanksgiving dinner Katy and Kyle and I talked about what we were thankful for, but it was mostly just funny things. I think I'll do one for real.

1. My family, obviously.

They're the greatest. It was so amazing being home again and feeling so happy and comfortable. Mom and Dad do everything for us, I am SO lucky. Mom made me about a billion batches of chocolate rice krispy treats (unfortunately, the last brick was finished today) and awesome meals and bought me presents--obviously those are the material/culinary manifestations of love. She and Dad also gave up their whole busy week to entertain me and Katy and Kyle, spending all that money and time. Dad is probably the funniest person EVER, if you get him in the right mood. We had a blast. It was also super awesome to have Christy and Danny around. We have such fun all together! Us 3 sisters are pretty much best friends, and we're so lucky that Christy married someone who fits right in and can be our brother (but not Christy's brother).

2. Lucy

She goes in the "Family" category, but I think she deserves her own. Having a baby (even one that's not mine) is the most amazing experience! I feel so close to her. I love having her around, I love holding her, I even love when she cries and eats her nasty disgusting baby food--liquid peas and squash...gross. She plays all the time and is the most smiley baby I've ever seen. I really really hope my kids are as cute, because now I know what TRUE cuteness is. I love her.

3. Kyle

I know that's super cheesy and sickening, so I won't say much. I'm just really lucky. And I recognize it. Being around him makes me happy. He's helped me so much in so many ways.

4. My friends

Over the years the kind of people that I'm friends with has morphed and changed, but they're always exactly what I need at that time. (Except Nieman--she's been my friend for the longest, and I will ALWAYS need her). My friends are interesting because they're all so COMPLICATED, with complicated lives and needs. But we love each other and need each other. A year ago I REALLY needed something, and I found them. They've been great and helped me a lot. I'm so happy to live with them.


My trusty steed. What would I do without him? Dad keeps hinting that we'll need a new car soon because Chester's on his way out, but I refuse to consider that as a possibility. I hope he outlives me.
6. Park Place

Ok, I hate Park Place now. It's disgusting and filthy and the management stinks. BUT--remember what it was like last year? Park Place was a safe haven for me. I fled Casa Dea to return to the warm embrace of the scary garage and malfunctioning washing machines and teensy tiny rooms. I need to remember why I loved Park Place. I can rekindle those feelings, I know I can! Plus, how could I ever leave Bishop Mott, the saintliest man in the world.
7. School

I know school sucks and everything, and most people hate it and can't wait to never have anything to do with it ever again--but I LOVE school! I love classes! Yeah, so homework and tests and finals and actually going to class sucks, but what would I do without it? I'm really going to miss school--that's why I plan on NEVER graduating.

8. Books

---are more likable than most people I know. At least to me.
9. Chocolate Milk

Because without it, I wouldn't be me.


Christy said...

You are so funny. Nice pic of chocolate milk.

Katy said...

I'm disturbed by the fact that that picture wasn't really of Chester, but rather some IMPOSTER Toyota Corolla. What are you saying, Becca?