Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Snow is not my favorite, but...

I really can't tell what this semester is going to be like. Classes are weird. Spanish is going to be terrible, but I can still do well in it--even if I'm scared the whole time. Myths, Legends, and Folktales will be interesting, and I can't tell if it'll be hard or not. American Lit is boring probably, but easy enough. My English lit class is going to be crazy hard, but I REALLY want to do well. I love my professor and he is a genius, and I can learn a lot from him. That motivates me.

It's snowing like crazy. I'm FREEZING. No amount of coats will keep me warm! For that you need a boyfriend--but mine works every night until midnight, which means I'll just have to continue to pile on blankets.

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