Sunday, January 13, 2008

This is going to be a long one

Ok, I really should blog before I forget anything. Plus, Christy wants to blog about it, but obviously I have to first!

Well. Kyle and I are engaged. We were so sure that we were getting married, it seemed like getting engaged would just be a business-like step in that direction--but WHOA it is a way bigger deal than that! I feel SO different. Having a fiance is so different from having a boyfriend--and I've only had one for several hours!

I got some gorgeous red roses first thing in the morning. Then we went BOWLING, of all things! We always said we'd go bowling together--and really, that should be a dating first step, not an engaged couple first step, at least that's what we decided. I beat him once and then he beat me--so we're perfect for each other.

We went to a sweet restaurant in SLC, and got all dressed up and everything, and had a great time. It was nice because I could just relax and know that it was finally going to happen, instead of getting sent on a scavenger hunt that ended with a trip in a hot air balloon and FINALLY a proposal, if I could even see him amidst the masses of bouquets and ballons and everyone I've ever known, huddling together to hear my answer. Instead, Kyle discerned exactly what I wanted--lowkey and personal. We like to go on drives, and have been known to get lost and end up in church parking lots (not making out, it's just a good place to sit and reconnoiter). He didn't even have a destination in mind--as Christy said, he just let inspiration guide him. And yeah, we ended up in a random church parking lot in American Fork. It was nice and cozy in the car, and we were actually listening to the tentative wedding playlist that I've been compiling (that has been so much fun!). He told me that he had a present for me in the glove compartment, and I saw the box inside and started bawling. Then I opened it and saw my ring and I continued bawling. Then he asked me if I'd marry him, and I said yes and bawled, and then he put it on my finger, and that REALLY set me off. My reaction to strong emotional situations is always the same! The song playing was Gorky's Zygotic Mynci "Easy Love"--which has now got to be my favorite song! It was very appropriate and perfect to have on--of course I noticed. Katy hopes to get engaged while listening to that song too.Then we called our parents and a couple other key people, went to Smiths and bought a lot of ice cream, and had a celebratory party at Kyle's apartment with some of our friends. It was the perfect proposal, and a perfect night.

I feel wildly out of control happy. It's hard to even describe the feeling. (Ok, if I can't be gushy about Kyle now, when can I??) Kyle is unlike anyone I know. Dating him has really changed me. Every other boyfriend I've had has made me feel like there's something wrong with ME. I was never secure, and when problems arose it was ALWAYS my fault. No wonder my self-esteem was so bruised! But Kyle completely changed that. He makes me feel like I'm the perfect girl. That's nice because to me HE is perfect. Obviously we're not but...we're as perfect for each other as anyone's ever been for anyone else. And now, to know that we can be perfect for each other FOREVER--wow. It's overwhelming in it's permanence and coolness.

So, the ring--GORGEOUS. It's seriously the prettiest ring I've ever seen--maybe because it's mine. I can't stop looking at it. Unfortunately, it's impossible to take a good picture of it! How does everyone do it? It's just too sparkly to look like anything but a mass of...sparkles. I'll try again later.

Wedding's on May 17th in Oakland!


Christy said...

Hooray! Yippee!! Yeah!!! We're so excited for your guys. We're so happy that Kyle will join our family. (PS-really cute slideshow by the way. How do you do that?)

TheMoncurs said...

EEEEEP!!I totally knew this was coming. Remember when I left a comment about a dream I had? I dreamt he proposed. Because I'm psychic like that.

Congratulations! This totally makes my otherwise kinda crappy day a whole heck of a lot better. Kyle seems really awesome, I'm glad you found yourself such a good one!

It's impossible to take a good ring picture, I promise. We tried and tried and tried. Just take a crappy one so we can get the idea and POST IT!

Nancy said...

Congratulations Becca! Loved your post about the proposal!

Julie said...

I cannot believe I just read this post. CONGRATULATIONS!

Janae Wallace said...

Yay! Now I know what happened after I saw him with a mysterious box and before you came home with ice cream =)