Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Whew!  Christy and Lucy and Danny are visiting this week, so I'm busy having fun. Amanda and Jack were also in town last weekend, so we went to Rice King, looked at puppies/seahorses, and admired my new couch.

I have wrapped a MILLION presents.  First I did all the take-to-Amarillo presents (for Vaughns, Fanellis, and Braxton) (I already wrapped/sent to CA the presents for my family), and the last couple of days I've wrapped the Ludichristmas presents. This is only our second annual Ludichristmas but it promises to be AWESOME.  This year, it includes Katy and Christy/Danny/Lucy, so it is bigger and better.  We've all bought a ton of dollar store gifts for each other, plus Kyle and I are going to open the presents from my parents that they brought us at Thanksgiving.  We have a ridiculous amount of presents "under" our teeny tree.  I'm not sure what the other plans for Ludichristmas are, but we've talked about eating Chinese takeout by candlelight.  Somehow, Ludichristmas has become freakishly exciting.

We've had a ton of fun so far this week, and I haven't taken a single picture.  Lucy is hysterical. Seriously.  She is so clever and saucy.

I have seen so much of my family in the last month.  And next week we're driving to Amarillo to spend Christmas with the Vaughns!  My niece Naomi has gotten SO CUTE and chubby. I can't wait to meet/kiss her. I'm not super excited about the million hour drive in the harsh winter, but we'll hack it.


Kyle said...

Our poor little tree is doing its best, but those are just so many presents!

Karen said...

How about a picture of the tree with the presents??

Whitney said...

I feel ya guys-at least you're just going to amarillo, try going to houston-ugh! yea for 24+ car rides!