We just returned from HEAVEN. Which is to say, a week at an awesome lake-side condo in Tahoe with my family. This was our best Anderson family reunion to date! It was more fun than last year because this year I didn't have to deal with pregnancy symptoms ruining everything. Instead, we got to play with Ruby and Joyce and Lydia! A highlight for me was playing with Lucy-- she is at a totally fun age and we had a blast together.
We made sure to swim and kayak every day.
We are influenced mightily by the beauty of our surroundings. Needless to say, we were especially happy and uplifted this week.

Danny taught Christy and me to SUP--go on the stand up paddle board. Christy and I are pool people, as opposed to lake people, so we were pretty terrified. Also, I am completely uncoordinated. BUT we managed to both do pretty well at it, and I'm positive that if we just went it alone we would never fall in. HOWEVER, it is way more fun to do it together, which meant we hit the water many times. It was freakishly fun! Unfortunately, neither Christy nor I are willing to post serious pictures of ourselves in wetsuits. We looked like whales. Just believe me when I say that we both stood up at the same time, which was tricky. We also posed for the camera in all manner of ANTM poses that Tyra would be proud of--we will just never ever display those for public viewing.
We took a million trillion pictures of each other that I love.
Danny did some nighttime supping in massive wind and crazy waves--sans wetsuit. He is truly magnificent when it comes to that board. He didn't even fall in! Although...he did jump in eventually. He about gave Mom a heart attack.
The best part: the babies. OH, the babies. Joyce and Lydia are dolls and we all got plenty of time to hang out with them. They are completely different with almost polar personalities (or at least it seems that way to us right now) and I love both of them to pieces. They both smile a lot now and it absolutely melts me.
Joycie |
Lyd |
Lydia |
Joyce |
Can't wait for next year's Anderson Tahoe Reunion 2012!
1 comment:
You blogged, YOU BLOGGED! Yay! Lydia and Joyce are so cute, and Miss Ruby is just adorable (as usual). Y'all look like you had so much fun at Lake Tahoe. I am so glad you invested in your nice DSLR camera because the pictures really are great! I think I commented at seriously half of them on Facebook. Miss you!
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