Saturday, March 17, 2012


One of the most fun things I did while in California was meet up with Chelsea, my best friend from high school.  Ruby LOVED her and her daughters.  She was so sad when they left!  I think she wants Chelsea to be her new mom.  Chels brought me beautiful flowers, and Lilly brought Ruby a pink balloon.  We had grand plans of all the fun things we would do together...but we got to chatting so we just spent 4 hours talking in my living room, with the babies playing around us. We haven't hung out in like ten years so we had a LOT to catch up on.

Lilly is delightful and crazy and fun.

I have so many pictures of them playing on the stairs because it was their FAVORITE ACTIVITY.  They went up and down together like a million times.

 Check out this beautiful Claira.  I could not stop looking at her face--she is stunning.

Lilly and Ruby really liked each other--when they weren't taking each others' toys, of course.  I think it was really good for Ruby; she's used to being the boss!  Chelsea also put up some cute pictures on her blog.


Chelsea Edgren said...

That was SO fun! I'm terribly sad you live so far away. I'm counting down the days to January and hoping the wind pulls you this way. :)

P.S. That :) was supposed to be a :) Just in case you were wondering.

Christy said...

I love Lilly's skinny jeans. So cute.