Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yesterday I lounged on a heated massage chair and watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy.  Annnnnd I was breathing laughing gas because I was getting my wisdom teeth out.  My dentist is so awesome.  With headphones in, breathing nitrous oxide, massage chair at full power, it was possible to tune out the dentist yanking shiz around in my mouth and poking needles in my gums and forget where I was. The experience was downright pleasant. I think it's the laughing gas more than anything--man, I love that stuff.  Although I did hear a cracking sound when he was pulling one of the teeth.  I just tried not to think about that.

Now, of course, is the hard part.  The numbness is gone and no more delicious nitrous oxide.  But the bleeding has mostly stopped, and the dentist sent me home with a prescription for painkillers.  I mostly just pop pills and read in bed while Kyle takes care of Ruby and everything else. Good man.  Plus, we have plenty of pudding.

So life isn't so bad.


Katy said...

I find that my happiness quotient is directly proportional to the supply of pudding in the house.

Karen said...

I hope the pudding supply never stops.....

Coach Vaughn said...

If we ever run out of pudding, you know I'll go for some more...Pudding.

Coach Vaughn said...

If we ever run out of pudding, you know I'll go for some more...Pudding.

Christy said...

it still sounds horrible!