Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cleaning checks sure inspired some exciting/scary events last night. Last night we were all up late cleaning. Katy and I just had to clean our bedroom to finish, but others were doing their communal jobs still. Celia was finishing up the oven downstairs, while Hailey and Caitlin were busy cleaning the bathroom that's right outside my door when I heard some anguished moans--Caitlin had mixed chemicals that should NOT mix in an effort to clean the toilet, and the fumes were AWFUL. We opened windows and turned on fans, but it was pretty strong still. Celia, who had felt weirdly sick all night, came upstairs and walked right through the fumey hallway into my bedroom and passed out at my feet. Just collapsed. At first we thought she was joking, but then her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her fists started contorting and her body was just doing weird things, pretty much seizing, and we started freaking out. We moved her to my bed, and Caitlin told me to call 911 but Celia wouldn't let me, all she wanted me to do was call Kyle and get him over here. Turns out he's the rescuer of my whole apartment. By the time I was done pounding on his door, making him get out of bed, and bringing him back with me, the paramedics were on their way. Then they came, 2 big paramedic men, and did all their important things. I had three men in my room last night. We tried moving her next door to escape the fumes, but she couldn't walk, so the big Fire & Rescue guy carried her! It was so cool! Anyways, we had to stay up with her for a while in #4 to make sure we didn't have to rush her to the hospital, but she started calming down and getting better. So we just cleaned the rest of the night.

The two most important things:
1. We passed our cleaning checks.
2. Mixing those chemicals made our toilet spotless. Totally worth it. We'd do it again.


Christy said...

you are kidding me! What drama! Was the fireman cute? (not that you care of course)

Katy said...

i think clean toilets are worth near death experiences ANY day.

Kyle said...

Can I just say how embarrassed I was that the big tough firemen saw me barefoot. My toe nails are still painted from halloween.

Anonymous said...

Glad I didn't know about it as it happened. Always call 911 in seizures--shaking and eyes rolling back definitely count. Now I'm worried about the fumes you both breathed! But, how nice the toilet is clean!

TheMoncurs said...

When we first moved into our house it was NASTY. It was built in 1978 and I'm pretty sure no one had icleaned it since. The washer and dryer weren't quite that old, but they were getting up there and totally caked in filth. I mixed chemicals (not even sure what) in an effort to get the washer clean and had much the same experience (well, not nearly as traumatic) and ended up having to open all the doors and windows, turn on fans, and go lay down for a couple hours.

Glad your toilet is now clean! And that you got to have boys in your room. Near death is so romantic.

Caitlin Carroll said...

I think we'll look back on this and laugh. kind of like we do now