Monday, February 4, 2008

The Miscellaneous File

I haven't actually quit anything. I'm just in the mood.
Sunday nights are depressing. Dang it, it's technically Monday. It's technically the beginning of another long terrible week. Well, at least I get to start the week off with 8 hours of sleep, right? That's more than some people. Poor Kyle. Everything is busy and stressful right now. Scheduling just hasn't really worked out so far this semester. I have so much to look forward to, but man, it's a long wait. I wish I was graduating this semester. I totally could be, if I hadn't taken so many fun/interesting classes that had nothing to do with my major. I guess I shouldn't regret those classes though--and I don't really. It would just be SO nice to be done soon! I'm feeling very ready to be done with school. Funny how that hit right as I got engaged.

I'm so glad that my family is coming on Thursday! That will really help me feel better about school and stuff. Lucy ALWAYS makes me feel better no matter what. She's the cutest baby in the world. It's weird--she won't be a baby forever! She's already standing on her own, clapping, waving, dancing...I haven't even seen her do any of that. She's growing up so fast. I can't wait to witness it! I really wish Christy and Danny still lived around here--it's so sad they had to move to California! (Great for them, and great for my parents...but come on, ME!) It would be so much fun to be married couple friends. I was thinking about that yesterday and I decided it would be the Best Thing Ever. I could babysit Lucy, and Christy could help me figure out how to be wifey, and Danny and Kyle could be manly together. Oh well.

Tonight I was social! Away from Kyle! That happens...never. I'm just a hanging-out-with-Kyle kind of girl. But we got in a huge fight and decided to break up, so I went over to play games in Apt. 4. We played Curses, and it was FUNNY. I never like awkward performance games...but this was a really good one! I had a great time. Oh and I didn't actually fight with Kyle. He just had TONS of homework to do so I was giving him a chance to get some stuff done (I'm very distracting).

Today I was successful in the kitchen! It's totally not a big deal, I just get so excited when I learn how to make something new, no matter how simple or basic it is. I made alfredo sauce! And it was great! I'm really glad I impulsively bought that massive quantity of tortellini. It was worth it.

Best part of today: Christy's making our little wedding video (you know, the slideshow of adorable pictures of Kyle and me) so today I went through his picture albums that his mom made for him and WHOA. Kyle was the most adorable little boy! And I was an incredibly cute little girl--so this slideshow is going to be awesome. I seriously had to flag almost every page, because he was just so cute. I hope our kids are half as cute as we both were!

Also good: tonight we watched the 30 Rock where Liz and Floyd get together. It always makes me so happy. Does it seem like everybody is hooking up all of the sudden? It must be February.
I get to go wedding dress shopping with my mom and sisters on Friday!!!


Karen said...

OK, no scaring me. I had to read the sentence about the"fight" and "breaking up" twice before I realized it was a joke. Must be because I am at school and just wanted to yell at Jared (but of course I can't!)that I didn't get it very quickly.

Christy said...

I cat wait to go dress shopping!!!!

Caitlin Carroll said...

Everybody is hooking up all of a sudden... even those who are terribly unfortunate with relationships. Must be Cupid.

Katy said...

Yep, everybody sure is hooking up. EVERYbody, I mean, wow, who ISN'T hooking up, right?