Friday, March 18, 2011

Mmmmm Giveaway

So you know my friend Ashley, who made these awesome treats?:

(And many many more, but it turns out that I moved all other pictures of her desserts to my external hard drive so I can't show you more proof of her delightful creations. Just believe me. Or look at her cake blog.)

She is hosting a GIVEAWAY!  You get entries for commenting on her blog, following her blog, facebooking, and blogging about her giveaway.  Totally worth it.  She's going to give away a cake, a dozen cupcakes, and sugar cookies.  (The sugar cookies will go to someone far away because they're easy to ship.)

Go enter!

I hope I win!


Kyle said...

If WE enter, and then enter under Ruby's name, we'll have SO MANY CHANCES TO WIN!

Karen said...

So tell Ashley that I signed up as a follower. I have to find a decent picture to put on--the one I wanted was sideways and no matter what I did it stayed sideways! I was me and Ruby.....Maybe we can take another one when you get here!